Episode 22: Preparations and Predictions

Today I am 39 weeks.
This video was shot a few days ago, my “official 38 weeks-pregnancy journal entry”.

I danced in the birth room and my partner worked the camera.
It is so much smaller than the studio
but it provides the opportunity to create ritual
in the space where our baby will be born.

We’re nesting,
preparing the birth room, washing baby clothes, snuggling, blowing off school.
We haven’t had a chance to cook very many freezer meals or finish the baby’s room
or get everything just the way we want it,
but I know that it doesn’t really matter.

Today my daughter asked for some play dates with the family we’ve created a pod with. My partner answered that we were getting ready for baby and should plan to stay home, welcome baby, get to know each other, and be in our bubble for a bit.

We talked over dinner last night about what to expect and what the kids can do if things feel like too much.
There are noise canceling head phones, and they can always go with grandma into another room.

We talked about blood and tears, loud sounds,
and vernix.

The kids are planning on catching the baby,
waiting for, and learning about the placenta,
and eventually cutting the cord.
We all showed off our belly buttons and talked about how that’s where our umbilical cords used to be.

There are so many unknowns and we can’t predict how things will go or how the kids will react.
But I know this baby will be born into so much love

and that’s enough.



Episode 21: Precedence to Process


Episode 23: The Waiting and Holding On